Thursday, August 9, 2007

Filter Fun

Been making some good progress on the project. Mostly UI stuff, now that the core of the processing code is done. I wanted to show off the many filtering options that will be available when you view an individual tournament or your overall dataset. As you'll see in the image below, I've come up with a name for the program: EVmaSTTer. The "STT" is a not-so-subtle reference to the fact that this program is designed to work with Single Table Tournament data.

As you can see, there are 11 different filtering options:

  • Last Games - the most recent games in your dataset (select from 5 - 100 games)
  • Site - which site the game was on (PokerStars only for now)
  • Description - as defined by the site, usually the type of game played
  • Level - blind level (as defined by the site)
  • All-In Hands - if Yes, the graph will include an "expected" line with the results
  • # of Players - obviously, how many players are left
  • Hole Cards - you can see how well certain hands have fared for you
  • VP$IP - whether or not the hero Voluntarily Put $$$ In the Pot
  • Showdowns - whether or not the hero took the hand to a showdown
  • Last Action - on what street was the last action taken by the hero
  • Seat # - if you really want to get superstitious, you can see how you've fared in each seat at the table

Of course each of these filters are optional, and you can toggle them on and off with the checkboxes.